Real estate is a profession of people who love to talk - so why are we frequently so misunderstood?
Poor communication leads to confusion, misunderstandings, stress and anxiety - and that can make our own lives hard and the lives of our colleagues, family, friends and clients. But is it our fault, or the person who is listening who needs to do the work?
In this Wellness Webinar, Rise coach and champion Julie Davis shows you how to crack the communication code by revealing the four communication styles that impact how we listen, learn and express ourselves.
In this webinar, you’ll learn:
Key insights into spoken and unspoken communication
Why you feel comfortable talking with some people and not with others - and how to change that.
How to decode different personalities and their perspectives
How to create an experience for those you need to communicate with that leaves them feeling valued, understood and appreciated
Julie is a pioneering force in coaching and workforce transformation who dedicates her expertise to empowering people and teams within the real estate industry to realise their full potential. Fundamental to her approach is the innovative Contribution Compass Performance Profile which is adept at identifying and harnessing our natural strengths and energies for success.
In just under an hour you’ll learn how to deliver your message clearly and concisely to create a win-win for everyone that will increase both your sense of mental wellbeing and your success!
Rise Wellness Webinars are brought to you by MRI Software.
Can I just say to everyone, grab your phone and scan the realcare app as we kick off today, because it is such an incredible resource within your office or for you personally and the support that we've had through and the wonderful sponsors of the Rise Initiative. So please make sure that you share that with your team and you download it and you use it. So that's great. So let's kick off. I'm super excited, Kylie, to be sharing what I hope is going to be high value for everyone here today. Talking about all things communication, something I'm, like. I'm really really passionate about. I have, like, I could share for two weeks, but what I'm going to share and what I'm going to focus on today is the four energies rather than the four profiles.
Now, for those who know me, and I'm probably a few of you on the call, maybe some don't. Let me just share a little bit about me. I reside here on the beautiful Gold Coast, mum of two gorgeous girls and my baby just turned 30, 32 last week and I'm mother in law to two very good men, nanny to four little people. Actually have three two year olds at the moment, so we have a very busy household. I'm a fur mum to Shiloh, the naughty dachshund. And in terms of professionally, I've got about three decades experience in real estate, the industry, as a practitioner, coach, mentor, I have been really working very in depth for the past 15 or so years in terms of profiling and how critically important that is within the team.
I'm the founder of Agent Dynamics and Love Your Business. In terms of my contribution and give back, which is really important to me, I support the Motor neurone organisation in Queensland. My husband had a seven year journey of fighting motor neurone disease. He passed away two years ago. I'm really proud to be a mentor of the Rise initiative and Reach Australia programs. Next year, I am heading off on a 500 kilometre, hands across the water charity bike ride to support another initiative that our industry has. So what I want to focus on today is the four main energies. Now, if a lot of you are probably very familiar with profiling tools, they basically all come from the same origin and they really focus on the four different energies or the four different quadrants, just depending.
I'd love to know. Like in the chat, are you familiar with the contribution compass platform? I know that Alicia is, Kylie and quite a few. Just type in the chat, yes or no? I'm just starting off with a little quick video and talking about different communication styles and how we may need to change those communication styles sometimes.
Morning, handsome. Morning, mom. It's me.
Yes, it is.
And you're so pretty in the morning. Your mom and I made you breakfast. Oh, so you guys are getting along?
Yeah. We're very different people, Howard, so communication is a little tricky. Love you. Any butter? Butter flavored syrup?
I don't need any butter.
You won't. I'll get you butter. I guess I'll cut these by myself.
So there's all different ways that we communicate and what I'm going to go through today is just really give you some context around these four key areas and the four different types of communication. Now, for those who have or are familiar with the work that I do, we have a platform, it's called the Contribution Compass Platform. And it's a. It's team based, it's individual and it works also in terms of how do we better understand and connect with our teams and our clients. I'm not going to go into that, but pretending on the time, depending, I should say, on the time, we might be able to get touch on it.
But I would love in terms of value add as we've gone through at the end, in terms of when we come to questions, if you would like a recording with an overview of the eight different profiles, I'm really happy to send that link off to Kylie as well. Okay, so let's talk about in terms of, as we're starting off is, let's talk about Maslow's hierarchical needs and how it's important and how it pertains to each of us as humans and what we actually need. Now, being in the real estate industry, we are absolutely the foundation of the human needs, which is where we're providing basic necessities such as shelter or housing. Of course, we also need air, water and food. But just as in terms of what we're doing as an industry is really really important.
Now, the second thing is that everybody wants to have a sense of safety and security, whether that be personal, whether it is a job security or feeling confident, your health, just to make sure that all of our needs are met, and our emotional needs, friendships, fostering a sense of belonging and acceptance within the office. And of course, what we want to do in any team environment or with our clients is, it's key in terms of showing respect and appreciation and enhancing the communication confidence that we have with people. At the very top of Maslow's hierarchical needs is what we call self actualization. And you guys are on the webinar today because what we as an industry, we're wanting to grow, we're wanting to get better and we're wanting to serve our clients.
So self actualization is what we need to have in terms of how can we reach our maximum of our personal growth and experience the best of our capabilities. So as we dive into the four natural energies, and if you've got questions, feel free to put them in the chat. Kylie will jump on and just let me know that there's questions there and we can certainly answer them as we go through. I think what's important is really being able to understand how do we tune in and tune out of those four natural energies. Now, as you saw earlier, this eight profiles, I'm just focusing on the, the key energies of each of those profiles. And as we look, and if you look at my compass, we look right at the very top.
In activating energy, that's everything starts everything, whether it's a new relationship, a new property going to market, a new team member, every experience starts off in activating energy. Now, when we talk about people that are high and have got high activating energy, these are the movers or the shakers. These people are very solution focused. The question they might ask is a “what” question? Okay. Because these are the people in terms of, they tend to be, they can push the envelope, but they are always solution focused. Often that activating energy can be quite explosive as well. So how do we then learn and how do we pick up the different keys and tips in terms of if somebody's got high activating energy, let's just go and talk through these quickly, is that you will notice people who have high activating energy. Sometimes they can be quite dominant, they can be quite forceful. They can sometimes tend to be not focused on what we're saying. They just want to answer and they want to have it quickly. So sometimes instant coffee isn't instant enough for them. In terms of how do we communicate with them? Keep your interactions with them lively and energetic. So always very upbeat, very much to the point. Look for opportunities for quick wins and innovation. So what I want you to really think about while we're going through this is going, who do I know in terms of it could be a team member, it could be a client. If we can actually learn to adapt to their style, we can get a better outcome, which for them is a much better experience.
They're quite driven by significance, so recognize and appreciate their contributions or their achievements and avoid bogging them down with excessive details because they don't like to have details. I'm just going to keep just checking in terms of the chat. Yes, that's exactly right, Kylie. We do have a lot of people. Now when we see them in a team, and most people put up your hand, if you ever had a boss like this, that changes the goal post who often will exhaust their team because they're always changing their mind, they're always thinking up new ideas, coming up with things to do, and then they move on really quickly to something else. I know that I've worked with people like that and I'm sure that you have as well.
Think about, you might have somebody in your team now that's like that, or you might have a client. So let's talk about how do we actually tune into those people? And I often think about it, this is four very distinct genres of music. Now, if were to put music to activating energy, it would probably be heavy metal, right? It'd be like really fast pace. It is definitely a lot of high performing sales agents. They're often overly optimistic as well. So if you've got a client that it could be quite demanding, but is overly optimistic, you could be in a listing presentation. And they think that their property is way, way more than what's on the market. And they can have high expectations of people. So they can often leave their team quite exhausted as well.
So how do we actually tune into those people that have got high activating energy. Excitement. Talk fast. They like to have innovation, they like to have rapid progress. They're very good with change. They will absolutely jump into change. And they're high risk takers. They love to have recognition. So quite often these people will tell you how great they are and what awards they've won. And sometimes they can show up as unicorns, let me tell you. They love to explore new ideas. And as I said, they are adventurous and they take risks. Often they will make decisions very quickly without thinking. So in terms of a, if you've got a client sitting in front of you, they will make a decision quickly without all of the details.
Obviously, you need to give them the details, but that's way better off done as a follow up. Just point out the key things because if you bog down a lot of detail, they're going to start glazing over. Okay, so let's talk about, like, what, how, what happens that would make them disconnect or tune out. This is really key there. I'm sure that, you know, if you're a business owner, can you just put BO into the chat just so I can have a bit of a context of who we've got here? Because this is really key in terms of when we're building teams and selecting your staff as well, which is an indicator in terms of. Thanks, Trina. An indicator in terms of someone who can be high activating energy because they're risk takers.
They can often have had lots of jobs and lots of different experiences. They're quite different. When we're going to talk about sustaining energy, they're quite opposite to that. And so they need to be in an environment where they're really stimulated. These are not the people that you would just ring up one of your clients just for a chat. They just need very direct messaging. They do not want to have a lot of detailed and lengthy explanations. They will push the envelope and it's really impat if they're in a boring situation or unchanging situation, they will need to be stimulated because they will disconnect from that. Is anybody recognizing anybody that is like that? Yeah.
ortant th
So let's talk about how do we like, how do they learn and why this is important is in terms of when you're presenting marketing and when you're engaging with them. Yes, Kylie, you are. You are definitely. You are definitely. You're a colourless profile and you're right in the middle there. But what incredible value you bring to our industry because of your strategic thinking and your ability to think outside the square, because people who have got high activating energy are able to see things that other people don't see. And in terms of if you've got a client sitting in front of you, they're very visual. So they like to see graphs, they like to see pictures, they like to watch videos, they like to see something that they. And you often see them looking upwards, right. Because they channel ideas and different ways of doing things. You know, they're very. In terms of their bias of the filter that they look through, they are the leaders, right. They're very innovative in their approaches. They're going to try things differently. Now, one thing that's really important in terms of up in this activating energy is they will, you often will spot, and there's a couple of profiles more in particular than others in terms of how they show up, how they look. Now, often it's not just how they look, it's how are they represented in the market in terms of visually branding, all of that. It's really critical to them.
So if you've got someone in front of you that you think might have activating energy, really hone in terms of your marketing and what that looks and how that is going to represent. That's going to be. Represent them in the market. That is going to be a real hot button for them and something that they will tune into. They also, significance is really important. Important to them. You will see them leading meaningful change. And Kylie, you're such a good example of this innovation and finding a novel solution and approach to things in terms of their very future paced. Now, what I mean by that is that they don't like to stand still. They look into the future, they look, they explore new opportunities, potential. They're also very quick, they're very fast action takers.
So it will go straight from their head into action. So they're often very competitive in this industry, in this energy as well. So let's have a look in terms of the do's and don'ts. So if you have a client or a team member, and I've sort of, like, give you the broad spectrum of this, both how it's going to be applicable both within your team, but also out there in the marketplace as well. And so allow them space for creativity and to put their stamp on things. Involve them in big picture thinking, not detailed, speak to them quickly and get to the point. Allow them to lead the change and let them inspire others with their ideas. Okay?
Yeah. Who is resonating with this? Who on the call thinks that they might really fit into this high activating? So if you're competitive, if you like to push the envelope, if you like, you know, just fix it. Just. I don't want to hear all the reasons. I just want to get it fixed. Let's just get to the solution. Can be overly optimistic. Potentially. You could have trouble staying on time as well because you don't actually really counter in how long everything is going to take. Now, as we go through and we work through the compass, there's four, as I just four distinct energies in terms of the value of those different profiles within those energies of what? In terms of your stages of enterprise within a business.
Now, to shut down somebody who is in high activating energy, do not ask them a how question because they haven't thought about how they've thought about the idea and the creation of that they have not thought about is like, how does that all happen, that will shut them down? Don't give them mundane or repetitive tasks. Also, not too much time. They work really well on deadlines and don't keep them in the office. They need to be out and about and have variety. And don't forget that they're usually ahead of the market. Well, Kylie, you're a really great example of that in terms of really being an early adopter and seeing in terms of what is possible in our industry now, it's not just the words that we say, it's the way that we say it and it's the way that we visually express it.
Now, each of these four different energies that we're going to be talking about, there's a different type of body language that you can pick up or in turns mirror that body language as well. Now, in terms of how our communication lands with someone. 7% of that lands in a way of a verbal. So in words, the impact is only 7%. Sometimes we, and you would have heard, I know that I grew up with it. It's not what you say, it's how you say it. And that's so true in terms of, like, 38% is tonality, or the way that you're expressing yourself, but a massive 55% is body language, movements. And in activating energy, body words need to be very direct to the point and clear in terms of outcomes.
Tonality, the pitch, you need to be elevated in terms of the tonality of your language and the modulation and the pace of that. It needs to be quick. Body language, once again, it needs to be quite animated to match their body language as well. Okay, any questions? Hey, Kylie, I'd love you so from that, because your. Because you're high activating energy, I'd love to get your feedback in terms of how did you see yourself in there and did you resonate with the turn ons and turn offs? And is there anything else that you want to. That you would like to potentially share as well?
Thanks, Jules. Well, I think I recognise the impatience very much and the big ideas and then needing the support in getting, you know, maintaining the activity. And also, I don't. I'm not too bad on the how, but I. But how comes after? First of all, it's around generating that enthusiasm for the ideas. And I think body language and tone is, even though I'm a bit of a words person, it is how it comes at you more in terms of body language. And I know I'm kind of very big on the movement and stuff when I'm communicating too. Yeah, I'd love to see what everyone else thinks too. What everyone else?
Yeah, absolutely. We've got great numbers on here today, so if you resonate with that in terms of activating energy, if you think that might be, you just put a yes into the chat. Now, I like to give a really good analogy. Well, I think it's a good analogy. You might not. when I talk about relationships, so I knew. Think about the last time that you had a brand new romantic relationship, let's say. And when that relationship started is like, you can't get enough of each other. You don't want anybody else around. It's so super exciting. It's like, can't wait to see each other. That is what we call activating energy because it is fast moving.
Once we've, gone through that, in the next stage of any relationship, inspiring, that is, in terms of where you get to meet the friends and the family, you get involved in that, then you move down into sustaining energy, which is, let's just stay home, put our slippers on, and watch Netflix. And the refining energy is where you start questioning things and you look at things. And unless you actually keep cycling and go back into that activating energy, we saw it in Covid with a lot of businesses where they didn't reinvent. Okay, so let's talk about inspiring energy now, in terms of what's the key things, in terms of communication, in that as well.
So what's important, and we'll find probably, I would say a good, probably 60% of your clients, your team members are going to be sitting in here inspiring energy, because this is where the people live, and it's all about building emotional connections and empathy. It's about collaboration and it's about contribution. So it's like, this is really critical in terms of being able to connect with and tune in to inspiring energy, because if you don't make that emotional connection and you don't create the meaningful relationship with those people where they know that you're invested in them and you're invested in the relationship, nothing will go further. Okay. They're very much in terms of, it's all about people's relationship first. They're very loyal. Okay. And it's really important that you value their values.
So let's have a look in terms of how do we tune out in terms of inspiring energy, it's when we shut down from people, when we're cold and impersonal, lack of appreciation or recognition, being super competitive, things that don't have a lot of meaning or purpose or often negative or critical feedback. They don't do well with rejection. And also, they need to have their team or their people around them. These are your clients that are going to love to have a chat. Okay? We're the chatty people. We love to get on, have a chat and build those relationships. These will be key referrals for you. Now, when we talk about a learning style where activating energy was very visual, learning styles and communication styles for inspiring energy is auditory. And this is why these other chatty people.
So in terms of their learning, it's going to be auditory. So they will talk through, they're not going to be reading manuals and all of that sort of things or detail you need to walk through with them and talk everything through. They will prioritise building trust and maintaining integrity over everything else. Their key drivers are relationships, and they. I guess their superpower when we look in terms of inspiring profiles is that they're very intuitive in terms of that they can pick up and they can feel different people. If they're genuine or not, they will have a natural ability to empathise and connect with others. Excellent at engaging. So these are your people, whether they're in your team or whether they're out there. If you don't build a relationship, you're not going to win the business. Okay.
The do's and the don'ts present. Be present. Give them your time and attention. Build connection and trust. So tell stories. So give case studies, give examples in terms of people rather than processes. Value their values and use them within a team to be that cheerleader or that tribal elder in your team. Make sure that you keep them in terms of their face to face communication. If they do become silent, don't think that they agree with you. There's obviously something going on and they've shut down and don't isolate them from other people. So let's talk again about the body language. What do we need to do? Words are really important for those who have got inspiring energy. And can you put in the chat? Because it'd be really interested in the group of who thinks that they've got inspiring energy, probably. I think there should be a lot of you.
They're very much driven by personal development and learning. Learning for them to better, to be able to connect with people and to be able to serve more. In terms of words, they need to be really meaningful words, not shallow words. In terms of trying to impress with words, your tone of voice needs to be not as. Not as fast paced or as high pitched as what you would need to have with an activating energy. Yeah. Jane, you're there, too. Me, too. As you can probably tell, it's actually quite interesting being on a screen where I can't see anyone because I really need to have that, that connection, which makes it more challenging for us because if we can't actually see people and connect with them, we find it more difficult to communicate.
So the tone of your voice and the body language, it is. It's a. I guess, a more caring in terms of really, it doesn't need to be loud and proud in terms of just really having a fast paced body language, but a body language that you could that, because we are huggers by nature, so we do need to have that somebody just to be in sync. So with your clients, look at how do you really match and mirror them, and how do you actually connect with them by picking up these cues. In terms of when you're connecting with someone, people feel safe and they feel you've got me, you understand me? Okay, so let's talk about the doers now.
As we're going through the, the compass, you'll see that we've got activating on one end of the scale and we've got sustaining on the other. And when we're looking and we're building teams, it's absolutely critical than when we're looking at in terms of who do we need to have to support us or to support the client journey. Now, sustaining is when we come more operational in terms of your business, which is absolutely critical to your marketplace in that what is promised, particularly up in activating energy, is actually fulfilled down in sustaining energy. So these are the doers, these are the people. The questions that they're going to ask are where and when. So going back to the activating is going to be a what question, what do we need to do? It's very outcome focused.
Inspiring is the who, and it's all about creating a connection. So always look and say, who do you know? Where's the commonality in terms of who you can connect with? Okay, it's sustaining is more around becoming what, what's the pathway and what is the outcome that we're going to have and where and when does that happen? Now, these are opposite energies to the activating energy. So these are much more grounded in terms of really wanting to have that knowledge. So when we look at sustaining energy, and I've talked, when I'm doing a team session, if you have a client or a potential client, that is most likely a custodian energy on our platform, but they're the strongest in sustaining energy. You don't ever be late for an appointment, because if you do, you're dead.
You're not going to get a next chance. And make sure you're well prepared. They will have known everything about you online and don't have, don't play favoritisms or special deals. So make sure that you're always punctual, that you're always organised, and that you're providing a detailed, step by step pathway in terms of what we need. And that's really interesting, Kylie, is what we see. And in all my work that I've done, if I look in terms of sales and business owners, they are sitting more up in the activating energy and in the inspiring, as we move down into the sustaining and the refining energy, we are seeing more people in property management and operations. Yes, absolutely. So we have a look in terms of if you have gotten, and I'll just flip over to teams for one moment.
If you wanting to have somebody in operations, in your team or in particular in more of that property management service focused, the sustaining energy knows the client journey better than any other group of profiles. And because they. They live for service. Right. They. You can tell when you go somewhere I can go and somebody goes over and above in terms of their need to serve and their ability to make that whole experience incredible. I can guarantee you they're down in sustaining energy. Now, in sustaining energy, these are the people that will stay in our industry the longest, in my experience, because they don't like to have change, they're slower to make a decision. They do not like to be pushed, they do not like to be rushed. They don't like to have things changed at the last minute. And they very much. They're driven. Where we talked about with inspiring energy, we're driven in terms of personal development. The key driver for sustaining energy is knowledge, okay? Because what's really important to them is that they will. They're consistent and they're reliable. Opposite in terms of activating energy, which has the ability to think on their feet. And they can just make up something or access information really quickly and be able to communicate that. A sustaining energy person will never do that. Okay? Because they need to know that whatever they're saying is correct. If they're in an environment where, you know, potentially things aren't delivered on, there's inconsistency in terms of values. They will be uncomfortable in that, they will shift from that. But it's not going to be a knee jerk reaction like somebody in activating energy. They will make a really quick decision, okay?
They're very responsible, they're very logical, they're very practical. Every business needs to have a custodian. So in terms of what happens, in terms of how do they tune out is unpredictability. They have to feel like they can trust you and that. Suzie, you think that is like you? Yes, quite likely. Suzy, your business owner, what area of the business is your favourite? And Kylie, we're actually just going to profile Kylie's husband and we're going to look at her team altogether to see she's got the right people in the right seats, which is good that they need to be in a structured environment. And they, if you disregard rules or your, you know, your behaviour is in that it's not consistent, they will tune out from that. So, learning styles in terms of their kinesthetic, right. So they feel, they love.
If you. If you're in a situation with them, give them a brochure, you will notice, they will touch and they will feel the brochures. They also, they will use their hands and they gesture a lot when they're speaking. Once again, everything has got to be logical. They like to have really comprehensive planning. They're not high risk takers. They need to be included in any term of decision making, but they really excel in terms of the operations of a business, of where and when is everything going to happen. They seek to understand through knowledge and competency to them. They take that very seriously. They're highly organized and methodical, and they're very skilled in terms of managing resources in a timely and efficient manner.
Okay, so I've done each of these and I won't go into detail, but the custodian is the strongest in terms of sustaining energy. The do's delegate, negotiate with them, give them structure, be clear around the tasks, and be logical and methodical. So don't give them unpleasant or surprises. Don't ask for things methodically, impulsively is give them time to prepare. If you're onboarding a new team member that is a custodian or in sustaining energy, they need extra time. They're going to need time to really understand everything. They're not going to be the deep learners. They're not quick learners. And with the body language, once again, they're very grounded. And you can really notice, you will notice is sustaining energies, they will talk a lot slower. They're much more grounded. They're much more particular in their choice of their words.
Their modulation is, they're reasonably monotone, whereas in activating, they're much more high pitched body language, much more relaxed. These are really the down to earth, salt of the earth people that you just feel calm in their energy. They've got such a calm energy, and that's why, within a team, they're so calming. They don't tend to get flap around like a lot of the other profiles. So then when we're coming in terms of our refining energy, these are the deep thinkers. These. The question they're going to ask is the how. And as Kylie said, being in activating or when we're talking about activating energy, the how comes last. Okay, so the what and then the people and then the where and the when and then the how. And this is where the detailed.
These are the people that like to have dot point emails and make sure it's grammatically correct. These are the people often in refining energy, they can show up as micromanaging you. They can show up in terms of wanting to know a lot of details. They want to know guarantees. They want to know certainty, because they are driven by certainty. So in terms of communicating with them, provide a lot of data and logical reasoning, they will have done the research. Okay, so you're there actually just to confirm their research, engage in analytical and strategic discussions, always focus. It's always about accuracy. And they're not emotional, not like inspiring profiles. The refining profiles are not emotional. And often I've got a client that's high in refining energy and she doesn't want to know about it unless there's blood or fire.
She actually really learned with her team is that she needs to step in and take on some of those qualities of activating. Sorry, inspiring energy. So tune ins is, of course, data research, logic, analytics, precision, accuracy, intellectual challenges, systematic and methodical approaches. When you have this client, make sure that you're prepared or when you're going to. When you're going to present to them, make sure that you are super prepared. Tune outs is emotional or are being argumentative. Lack of data and evidence, rush decisions, vague or ambiguous instructions or statements, and disregard for detail and accuracy. If you're doing this with this person, you are absolutely not going to go any further. When we look in terms of their learning style, they're digital, so they like to read and write. You know, obviously, this is where Ikea comes in terms of putting things together.
These people love those. My daughter's actually in this, and she loves reading all of the, you know, how to manuals. I'll just ring someone in terms of how do I do It? Or better still, get them to do it. Come and do it. So, once again, they're very research backed. They rely on the data, they're key drivers. They're driven for the need for certainty, the need for that to be backed up by fact. They only act on fact. They're meticulous and they're detail orientated. Focus on research and analysis, and they like to make informed, intelligent decisions. Once again, use their analytical and detail skills, give them processes, let them manage the cost.
So really important is that if discuss your costs in terms of whether it's property management or sales, let them know everything so they don't want to have any surprises, because if they do, you're probably going to end up paying for it. Don't ignore their objections and don't forget that mostly they're correct most of the time. And don't expect high levels of rapport with them as well, is that they are, you know, they're detailed people. They're not people people. Make sure you give them time and answer all of the questions. Okay, once again, body language. Very clear, concise, methodical. You don't need wild body movements with them is because what they really like is they like constraint. So once again, as you're learning these things, learn to match a mirror in terms of what they're doing. So how are we going for time, Kylie?
I think we're right on 45. I'd love to take some questions. I'd love to get feedback on there as well.
Well done, Jules. That was so interesting. I really love how you married both, how it works in a team, how it works in a real estate group, how it works in a relationship, and all the. And even how it works with clients. Does anyone have any questions or got any specific scenarios that you want to kind of pull apart better?
Yeah, I would love to hear that. Because as you say, Kylie, it's really important. We people are people, whether they're going to be our buyers, our sellers, our team members, our partners, whoever is, the better that we can actually. What can we utilise that we can learn so we can value them more and to be able to communicate. I talked really briefly about the different genres of music, and it goes from, like, you know, that heavy rock and roll to deep and meaningful into meditation and then into classical music. There's four different stations that we need to tune in. And often we make the mistake of through our bias, and we think that everybody thinks and communicates the same as us. It's the biggest mistake that we can make. And we're often, you know, we communicate. We're waiting for them to finish so we can react to what the question is rather than thinking and saying, what's the best way I could frame that question that is going to give them value that I can be of service to them?
Yeah, I love that. What, Jules? When it. I guess this is great for how we would. And it's easy to see how you would manage it if you're having a one to one conversation. But what happens when you're trying to manage multiple energy types in one communication? So for like, a team meeting or something like that, what's your advice on that? On how to do that?
Yeah, great. It's a really great question. And it's quite interesting when we look and we look at our turnover in our industry, second only to hospitality. And a big part of that, people don't. And the part of people leave organisations is because they don't feel validated in that, in terms of, or understood in terms of to have the information that they need to be communicated in a way that makes them feel validated, makes them feel appreciated, and they will move on. When I've seen high performing teams, it's when everybody feels valued and understood for who they are, that they have an experience and they're set up for success as they are. We do a lot of work, like with onboarding new team members and giving them the experience that they need to have.
So as an example, if you had somebody who was refining energy or even sustaining energy, they're quite happy to be away from people, to sit down and go through online training or material. But whereas particularly for somebody who, like me and inspiring is I need to have a buddy, I need to have someone there who I can, remember we go back auditory learning and communication that I can talk through things with. And so as a leader in a business, it's absolutely critical that we understand who we've got in our team and how do we set them up for success. It's the same with our clients because it's. It's people. Now, so a couple of things you can do if you're going out into a listing, presentation or whatever that might be, is look at their digital footprint, right?
Look at, in terms of the language that they're using in their profile, look at what do they talk about? What are their key drivers. So it could be, if somebody was in high activating, they could talk a lot about their achievements. If you went to somebody's house and they're high activating, they're going to have, like, lots of awards hanging on the wall, which they'll proudly tell you about in a lot of cases. Tune into that. So it's a matter of, like, just saying, how do we actually tune in? And as you go, gradually you'll learn more and more. But how do we just tune into something that makes them feel validated and makes them feel connected and safe with us?
Because I think one of the really critical things is, in terms of whether it's your team or whether it's a client, is that you need to make them feel safe, because people thrive on that and they'd like to be in a safe environment.
Yeah. And I guess I think it also probably talks to the importance of having material available for clients in all sorts of different ways so that you've got that way of communicating with them. So making sure that you've got your written material, making sure that you've got your, you know, your talk track or your, you know, your pitch. Absolutely. Making sure you've got your energy right and matched to the person that you're presenting to as well if you're in a, if you're in a pitching situation where you're trying to win some business.
Absolutely. Kylie, if you have two people that, and I often use this analogy, if you've got, say, two listing agents going out to secure a new listing, both of them, everything identical, so they're both on a really good listing presentation, they're both the same commission, and they're both got the same marketing material. Now, each of those agents go back and they're very confident in terms of going back. And yes, that's in the bag only to get the phone call that says it was a really hard decision. But I've gone with the other person and I say, well, why is that? The only reason is that they felt more connected and they felt safer with that person. And it's that they have that ability to actually understand what that person needs and to be able to tune in to that person.
I can see really good insights in this, too. In like hosting, if you were doing a training day or doing a strategy day with your team, too, for having your activator being the one kind of setting the scene and where you're headed, but then having other members of the team kind of identifying, well, look, this is what we're going to do, and then this is how we're going to do it. And then this is how we're going to measure and manage it, keep it on track right as we go through it.
And if we look at the four key pillars in any business, which is marketing, sales, people and performance, operations and logistics and data and processes, they fit into those four key energies. Right. And if we have a look in terms of, if you're not recruiting the right people, right, or you're identifying with the right people, that as a business owner, there's a lot of profit there lost, whether that might be in listings and sales or whether it's within your team. And that's why it's absolutely critical in terms of having the right people in the right seats. Thank you, Julie Collins, for that lovely comment. And it is absolutely critical to a business owner, because, you know, our biggest asset and our biggest liability in our industry is people. And, you know, we're like a revolving door in a lot of situations.
So we can learn how do we keep people within our organisation and actually get those people to have self actualization? That's when we just. You create magic within an organisation.
Awesome. Well, look, Jules, we're coming up for time, but what I really love about this is how it ties into the rise framework, which is that often the reason we don't get this human stuff right is because we just don't have the language or the frameworks or the words to express what we're trying to convey. And I think it's so important, even if you know, that you've got a very different communication style or energy to other people in your team, that this is like a neutral language of describing it without making anyone right or wrong, that can basically say, oh, I can see that I'm triggering you because I'm going all energy, you know, I'm activating and you want us. So let's now take a moment to get back into more, how we're going to sustain it or how we're going to, you know, get insights around it. So I think that framework that you've outlined for us today is really powerful and important. So thank you so much for.
That's okay. I'm just going to go to my last slide, and I would love to, if anyone would love to know if I can give you any insight into your team. If you're having a particular problem, particularly if you've got conflict within your team as well, I would love to offer you a 30 minutes clarity call. So all you need to do is scan this or jump onto my website, and you can just go into the calendar and book a time with me as well. It's been. It's been great, Kylie, to be, and thank you so much. It's actually very interesting because we're being an inspiring profile myself, and we're very visual to auditory, not actually seeing the audience. It's really. It really. It really interrupts my flow. So my hope is that everybody got great value out of today. And please reach out if there's anything I can do in terms of. To be of service.