There was so much to learn at the 2022 Rise Conference in Melbourne that it made your head spin.
World-class speakers struck a unique tone and balance that encouraged professional excellence, personal development and a balanced lifestyle essential for mental health and wellbeing.
Our 1,000-plus delegates were treated to colleagues sharing how they overcame some of their darkest moments. Guest speakers such as humanitarian Craig Foster and legendary foster mum Jules Allen inspired us to contribute more to our communities and the world around us.
Every Rise conference and webinar provides a unique opportunity for real estate professionals to learn and be inspired – and this conference captured our mood and the moment.
We have split into five categories some of the most insightful thoughts of our speakers. As you’ll see, it could not be further from a lecture on generating GCI. Instead, they focused on social justice, gender equality, respect in the workplace, burn-out and many other challenges.
Rise 2022 has enabled the industry to take an authentic step toward improving our workplaces and the lives of everyone who works in them.
We hope you find inspiration in the words and wisdom of our speakers.
Call to Action
We create and look for what we want. You all have the opportunity to live in the opportunity you have created. Take the reins and make your life so goddamn extraordinary – Jules Allen, ambassador for National Adoption Awareness and Foster Care Australia.
If you write down your passion and what you want, it can be yours. We are lucky to live where these things are possible – Jahan Kalantar, “Little Guy Lawyer” & Partner, Executive Legal.
We can all fly. It’s time for Australian women to fly. The question is, where are we going to fly to, and who are we bringing with us? – Craig Foster, humanitarian and ex-footballer.
If you can set foundations and create momentum, everything becomes so much easier – Carla Fetter, Jellis Craig, Victoria.
We have been provided opportunities many people do not have. Take one step, strengthen that muscle (for social justice) and change the people around you. As you rise, bring others with you – Craig Foster, humanitarian and ex-footballer.
Team Principles
Find the golden souls who develop the culture of your team with the same values and team mindset. You can take an unbelievable amount on your shoulders with a good team around you. The strength of the wolf is in the pack – Lisette Shults-Rand, Ray White, Queensland.
In our team, we respect each other for our skills. We are all estate agents. We work towards common goals. This is my dream to change the real estate industry – Holly Longmuir, RT Edgar, Victoria.
Business owners are still not getting the power of a healthy workforce. We’re not arguing this anymore – the jury is in. It’s important to have balanced metrics in your business. Healthier workforces are more profitable – Jett Xavier, Researcher & Agent Coach.
I value my team. It used to be all about me. It’s not about me now. My role is to make the team successful – and now I’m having more success than ever. You don’t have to have a major health scare to make a change – Piers Van Hamburg, Di Jones, NSW.
Build a team of like-minded people – Shane Hicks, Place, Queensland.
Personal Development
Happiness is a really big thing, and knowing what you want and who you want to be. Setting my goals helped me get to where I wanted to be – Carla Fetter, Jellis Craig, Victoria.
We are born resilient and hard-wired for struggle. It lives within us. What it needs is ignition, and acceptance is the ignition – Jules Allen, ambassador for National Adoption Awareness and Foster Care Australia.
I opened myself up to go to deep and dark places that I normally covered up with more work. I journaled, meditated, got a life coach, a real estate coach, went to retreats and studied neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). The transformation happened and the listings started to flow – Claudia Coren, Yeppoon RE, Queensland.
The last few years have taught us we cannot control everything, only where we put our mindset and energy – James Labiris, Nelson Alexander, Victoria.
It is not easy to show up every day, but that’s how you change your world. In your darkest moments, ask yourself, ‘what can I learn and how does it help me be the person I need to be’ – Jahan Kalantar, “Little Guy Lawyer” & Partner, Executive Legal.
Business is about learning, growing and implementing. The next level is soul-level support so you can trust your instincts. Be a lion – no fear. It’s an incredibly powerful position – Claudia Coren, Yeppoon RE, Queensland
Job Skills
It’s just 20 calls a day. Not hundreds. It took six months to get momentum. I always call with a reason and add value. It is about digging for opportunity and making face-to-face appointments – Carla Fetter, Jellis Craig, Victoria.
Focus on the purpose of (your client). It’s their hopes and dreams. Be accountable for everything you do and say. Have courage when things turn against you. Be prepared to fail. Take it to the edge –Mark Bouris, Yellow Brick Road.
We are here for something bigger than ourselves. Don’t see buyers as second-class citizens. Help without expectation, as it comes back sometimes two or three years later – Matt Nacastri, Cunninghams, NSW.
Growth stalled, and we wrote a system and procedure for everything we do. What that did was make us more productive, and it helped everyone stay in their lane. The business doubled turnover – Shane Hicks, Place, Queensland.
Keep pre-framing your clients. Give sellers clear feedback. Under-promise and over-deliver. Get amazing results and the vendors are never disappointed – Sally Cameron, Toop & Toop, South Australia.
If I know what my competitors’ listings are likely to sell for, I am in a good position to win business – Matt Nacastri, Cunninghams, NSW.
Belief Systems
Gender doesn’t define our work, values do – Holly Longmuir, RT Edgar, Victoria.
My five principles: 1.) Be a problem solver; 2.) Know your limits and know when to take a break; 3.) Know your definition of our success. 4.) Be aware – keep everything in perspective; 5.) Love what you do – our industry is unique, and we meet incredible people – James Labiris, Nelson Alexander, Victoria.
If the customer really loves the brand, they’ll stick to it. And you really have to be famous in your customer’s life – Shane Hicks, Place, Queensland.